Friday, October 12, 2007

My Goodness, My Guinness

I went to the Guinness Brewery yesterday and in the words of the illustrious Peter King, upon 'discovering' St. Patrick's Day at the ripe age of 52, "Wow. Probably the world's most perfect beer. You're gonna love it, Cleveland." Aside from the fact that the tour was the most expensive thing i have done to date, it was well worth the rate of student admission. The tour was self-guided, unlike Bushmills. So I didn't have the privilige to see a 'thrilling' video on the history of Guinness. I forgot to mention that about the distillery: they showed this video that had re-enactments of the history of Bushmills, including Prohibition, which just so you didn't confuse it with a present day documentary, they made it so that there was jazz music playing in the background and the footage looked like an old newsreel. It paled in comparison to the History of Field Day. At the end of the tour was the complimentary bar and viewing deck. The whole place reminded me of a revolving restaurant, minus the restaurant and revolving part. So, I guess that's a bad analogy, but it seemed like a place trendy people would go, if trendy is code word for staking out the most popular tourist attractions. Sorry, another bad analogy. Me don't express meself good in words. I prefer a method of pointing and grunting. Since those don't come across as well on the intranet, I'll just let the pictures do the work:
Can you see the design?

Post this, my parents and I walked back, making a quick stop in Merrion Square. After a stop for food/bathroom break, I now have a new rule for my life: Never buy candy from a machine that also dispenses condoms. I think it's safe to say I won't be struggling to follow that one. I'd like to meet the type that goes into a public restroom intent on buying condoms, but when he gets to the machine is tempted with purchasing chicklets instead. Who knows, maybe I'm onto one of the greatest marketing schemes in history.

After dinner, the rents left. It was good to see them. Ten weeks till I can speak candidly to someone about anything, but who's counting?

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