Thursday, November 1, 2007

Did I miss something?

I don't get the world. I really don't. What other people think is funny, 9 times out of ten, is not funny to me. If I were a comedian, these would be some of the things I would refrain from doing because I don't think they're funny, but the audience would nonetheless laugh at them:
-making a funny voice when saying a polysylabic word, imagine me imitating bobcat goldwhait saying "philanthropic"
-fake accents. no matter how good you could pull it off, it's not funny (see: Yakov Smirnov)
-jokes that start out "white guys . . ." or "you ever notice women . . ." or "men . . . (insert stereotype about sports, sex, or any other lame punchline that deserves to be relegated to the comedic gold mine known as Shoebox greeting cards)"
-telling a joke and then saying "what's up with that?" while shrugging your shoulders with a bemused smile.
-telling a pointless story, but making up for the fact that there's no point or comedic insight by telling it really fast and making lots of noises (see: Dane Cook)
-making references to out of date pop culture icons while complaing about things no one cares to hear or read about (see: this blog)

This post is mostly due to the fact that no one in the group finds me to funny, and needless to say, out of spite really, the feeling is mutual. Last night after the trivia contest, someone asked me how I knew Ulan Bator was the capital of Mongolia. I responded by telling them my father was a mongoloid. No response, whatsoever. It may be poltically incorrect, but to say, "My father has down syndrome," just doesn't have the same ring to it/make any sense. I'll let DEVO explain the truth about it: The whole thing reminded me of the scene in Annie Hall where Alvy is cooking lobsters with his new girlfriend. After struggling to pick up the lobsters and put them into the pot, it goes like this:

Alvy: I haven't been the same since I quit smoking.
Woman: When was that?
Alvy: Sixteen years ago.
Woman: I don't get it. Is that a joke?

The story of my life. I thought I was going to an academic forum tonight at O'Connell House, but instead it turned out to be another student's 30 minute prepared stand-up bit on Fritos. The crowd ate it up and it made me realize that in front of these people I could never think of material that would make them laugh. At the end they said any of us could pick a topic for a forum and lead it, but after tonight's performance, who would want to follow. If I went next week, it would be like Henry Kissinger following Lenny Bruce. I was thinking about leading a discussion on the presidential candidates or American independent film, but it would just devolve into either an anti-Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama seems like a nice guy talk or people talking about how much they love Garden State. And neither of those are as funny as Fritos. What's up with that? (as I smirk and shrug my shoulders)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

chad is a mongoloid too.